
Can you help?

The IWSO are indebted to Wightlink for their continued sponsorship. They provide generously reduced fares ferry crossings for our conductor, soloists and guest musicians. Without their support we could not operate in the way we do.

We are also extremely grateful to Allan Marsh LRPS for much of the photography of the Isle of Wight Symphony Orchestra published on this and other websites.

The players love making music so much that they each pay £120 every year in the subscription. This covers our rehearsal fees and goes towards the hire of music, concert venue costs and fees/expenses for players of instruments that do not reside locally. It also allows us to employ a high-quality conductor.

Recently we have been lucky enough to have sellout houses for our concerts, however even with all this support the majority of our concerts run at a financial loss. The Medina Theatre is an excellent venue but is limited on its seating capacity. There is no other venue on the Island that has a stage big enough or acoustics good enough for the orchestra.

We need to keep ticket prices competitive to attract the full houses, but need to explore other revenue streams. Can you help?

We are actively seeking sponsors both corporate and individual. Maybe you have a special Birthday or Anniversary, or might like to support a concert in memory of a loved one? Support can either be acknowledged in the programme or you can remain anonymous.

Areas where sponsorship would be welcome are listed below, the monetary values are there as a guide and are open to negotiation.

If you can help, please contact the IWSO here.

Some of the Sponsorship Opportunities

There are a number of opportunities available for both corporate and individual sponsorship and can be for either the entire season, or for one concert.

If you are a UK tax payer, any of the above is eligible for gift aid. Your generosity will be acknowledged in the programme(s). Of course, please let us know if you wish this to be anonymous.

To really help secure the future of live, local, orchestral music on the Island, you might want to remember us in your will.

Upcoming Concerts and Events

2nd November 2024

18th January 2025